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Classical Precedents and Creative Invenzione in Italian Renaissance Architecture | Selected  Topics in Architecture

Classical Precedents and Creative Invenzione in Italian Renaissance Architecture | Selected Topics in Architecture

Monday, February 13, 2017
12:00 AM

Monday, February 13 | 6 PM

David Brashear, Architectural Historian

Classical Precedents and Creative Invenzione in Italian Renaissance Architecture

The concept of rustication was formally introduced into the palette of Renaissance architecture by Sebastiano Serlio in 1537 through the publication of the first book of his architectural treatise. Serlio’s inclusion of rustication was a reflection of both antique precedent and the work of a range of important Renaissance architects. This lecture will explore the interrelated efforts of Serlio and the architectural production of Giulio Romano in Mantua and Jacopo Sansovino in Venice that collectively marked an inflection point in the use of rustication in architecture and served as guideposts to a broadened architectural framework that would be used by others as the Italian Renaissance continued to press ahead.

Presented by MCV Foundation and VCU Health.

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