Tuesday, April 16, 2019
12:00 AM
Screening of The Liberators | April 15, 2019 at 7:30 PM | Williamsburg Regional Library, Williamsburg Regional Library Theatre
Join us for a special screening of The Liberators after the lecture by Thomas R. Kline and Jennifer Morris. A true detective story, The Liberators follows a dogged German art detective through the New York art world and military archives to the unlikeliest of destinations: a small town on the Texas prairie. The film raises intriguing questions as to the motivations of the art thief and the whereabouts of the items that, to this day, remain waiting to be discovered.
This series of programs is presented in cooperation with the following: William & Mary Art and Cultural Heritage Law Society; Cultural Heritage Partners, a law firm dedicated exclusively to serving cultural heritage clients; and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
Run time: 61 minutes.
Free and open to the public.