Wednesday, May 1, 2019
12:00 AM - 4:00 AM
Museums and Nazi-era Looted Art: An Ongoing Journey to Resolution | April 30, 2019 | 6:00 PM | Williamsburg Regional Library, Williamsburg Regional Library Theatre | Karen Daly, Registrar for Exhibitions & Coordinator of Provenance Research, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Issues of looted art and restitution, particularly of art misappropriated during the Nazi era, continue to be prevalent topics in art news coverage and remain important concerns for museums worldwide. Karen Daly will provide an overview of the issues, discussing the response of the American museum community, considering how recovery and restitution efforts have evolved to the present day, including an overview of VMFA’s experiences in resolving art restitution claims.
This series of programs is presented in cooperation with the following: William & Mary Art and Cultural Heritage Law Society; Cultural Heritage Partners, a law firm dedicated exclusively to serving cultural heritage clients; and the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.
Free to Members, W&M Students, Faculty, and Staff.
Reserve your spot here.
Non-Members: $5.
Purchase tickets here.