Thursday, May 23, 2019
12:00 AM - 4:00 AM
Presenting Art: The Importance of the Vessel | May 23, 2019 | 6:00 PM | Integrated Science Center, Room 1221 | David Brashear, Interim Director, Muscarelle Museum of Art
Art Museums loom large on the cultural landscape, and when new ones are built, they are important opportunities to present the current state of architectural and design thinking. In this lecture, we will explore recently constructed museums in America, including smaller museums on college campuses and larger institutions that serve as flagship centers of civic engagement in urban settings. We will also check in on the current status of our own quest for a new museum at William & Mary.
Member sign up begins May 2. Non-member sign up begins May 9.
Free to Members, W&M Students, Faculty, and Staff.
Non-Members: $5
Space is limited, so reserve your spot or purchase tickets here.