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Michelangelo: The Genesis of the Sistine: March 6, 2025 — May 28, 2025 Buy Tickets

MUSCARELLE READS | Plagued by Fire: The Dreams and Furies of Frank Lloyd Wright

MUSCARELLE READS | Plagued by Fire: The Dreams and Furies of Frank Lloyd Wright

Thursday, June 10, 2021
6:00 PM - 11:00 PM


Plagued by Fire: The Dreams and Furies of Frank Lloyd Wright by Paul Hendrickson

Our next installment of Muscarelle Reads will be Plagued by Fire: The Dreams and Fury of Frank Lloyd Wright by Paul Hendrickson. Paul Hendrickson reveals another side of Frank Lloyd Wright in this masterful biography: the Wright who was haunted by his father, about whom he told the greatest lie of his life. In showing us Wright’s facades along with their cracks, Hendrickson helps us form a fresh, deep, and more human understanding of the man.

Join David Brashear and Edwin Pease for a lively discussion on Plagued by Fire. Brashear and Pease are both Frank Lloyd Wright specialists and will lead the conversation on Hendrickson’s defining biography of Wright.

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