September 5, 2009 - October 25, 2009
Works of the Studio Art faculty of The College of William & Mary will be featured at the Muscarelle Museum of Art from September 5, 2009 to October 25, 2009. This unique exhibition is a long-standing tradition at William & Mary, and a collaboration between the Art and Art History Department and the Muscarelle Museum of Art.
The exhibition highlights the diverse talents of the William & Mary faculty. Studio Art faculty were invited to submit works on paper, sculpture, and canvases to fill the upstairs galleries of the Museum. Aaron De Groft, Director of the Muscarelle Museum of Art, explained, “As a university museum two of our goals are to utilize the museum as a laboratory for learning and to collaborate with the faculty of The College. This exhibition provides us the opportunity to do both.” Students and members of the community will be provided opportunities to engage faculty members through several gallery talks that will take place during the course of the exhibition.
The 1st Faculty Show was held in 1985 under then Director of the Muscarelle Museum of Art Glenn Lowry (current Director of the Museum of Modern Art). Since then the Muscarelle Museum has invited Studio Art faculty members to exhibit their works every two to five years. The last Faculty Show was held in 2007.